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    Knitted Kalevala

    Knitted Kalevala
    • Knitted Kalevala
    • Knitted Kalevala
    • Knitted Kalevala
    • Knitted Kalevala
    • Knitted Kalevala

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    What does knitted folk poetry look like? How can a sweater be both a garment and a story?

    Knitted Kalevala by Jenna Kostet includes 18 knitting patterns – sweaters, cardigans and accessories – inspired by Kalevala. Considered a national epic in Finland, Kalevala contains old poems full of Baltic-Finnic mythology, ancient symbols, mythical creatures and nature. These as well as other Finnish, Karelian, Scandinavian and Baltic influences can be seen in the decorative colourwork patterns of the designs. They are also a wonderful alternative to the popular Icelandic sweaters.

    All of the designs are knitted in one piece and the colourwork only uses two colours at the same time, making them accessible to all levels of knitters. The patterns use a variety of lighter and heavier yarns and include several options for suitable yarns.

    Jenna Kostet is a writer and a knitwear designer known for enchanting patterns, as well as a published author of numerous historical novels and children’s books in Finland

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