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    Dye Starter Kit

    Dye Starter Kit

    If you can brew a cup of tea, you can master dyeing with Wool Tincture Dyes. This simple, mess-free process is both satisfying and effective. Unlock endless color possibilities with just a few simple steps.  Wool Tinctures Dye Starter Kits are designed to bring you all the enchantment of dyeing without any of the hassle. There's no mixing, measuring, or calculating required, and all your supplies fit inside our generously sized, sturdy glass jar with metal lid. Each individual Wool Tincture Dye Pack is pre-measured for you to achieve a predictable color using 100 grams of clean wool. Our Starter Kit offers just what you need to get started today. Whether yarn or roving, dyeing has never been so easy. Watch this DEMO VIDEO to see just how easy this kit is to use.  Once you purchase the kit, you'll have all the tools to continue dyeing.  We also have individual dye packs once you use all that are included in this kit.

    Note:  this item requires additional shipping charges.

    Kit Contents

    • Tincture Jar (4 Liters), glass
    • 1 Pair of Metal Tongs
    • 1 Chroma Palette Dye Set, includes 10 color dye packs, each pack will dye 100 grams of yarn.
    • Wool Tincture Instructions

    Wool Tinctures are acid dyes suitable for dyeing protein fibers. They will not adhere to cellulose fibers like cotton, linen, or hemp.

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