
541 US Route 1
Freeport, Maine 04032

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Mo, Tu, Th, Fr, Sa - 10am to 5pm
Wed - 10am to 6pm
Closed Sunday

You also may order online, by phone, or email.

Tuesday: 10am - 12pm
Wednesday: 5pm – 7pm
Free and open to all!

Knit Down to Christmas


Week 1 - Ophidia Hat Week 2 - Point Edwards Mitts Week 3 - Malabrigo It! Cowl
Week 4 - Tree Bark Scarf Week 5 - Let's Go Camping Mitts Week 6 - Plaid Toque
Week 7 - Milgracias Cowl Week 8 - Boyfriend Scarf Week 9 - Midvale Hat
Week 10 - Simple Cowl Week 11 - Bridge Arm Warmers Week 12 - Giverny Cowl

Week 13 -
St. John's Wort Hat

Week 14 - Ear Warmer Week 14 - Basic Earwarmer


Favorites from Previous Years

Green Mountain Mittens Jelka Hat Pioneer Gloves
Dotty Cowl XOXO Beanie Nalu Mitts
Raven Beanie ReTweed Cowl Fisher Cable Hat
Ridges Scarf Clupea Cowl Structured Alpaca Cowl
Versa Cowl Cable Hat Escama del Dragon Cowl
Garibaldi Headband Oh Canada Mittens Rasta Cowl
Lightning Fast Mitts Tied in Knots Hat Tiilda Hat and Mitts
Lambing Mitts Close to You Shawl Maine Morning Mitts
Wainscot Scarf That Nice Stitch Cowl Little Creek Buff
Pennyroyal Hat  An Evening At Julie's