
541 US Route 1
Freeport, Maine 04032

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Mo, Tu, Th, Fr, Sa - 10am to 5pm
Wed - 10am to 6pm
Closed Sunday

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Tuesday: 10am - 12pm
Wednesday: 5pm – 7pm
Free and open to all!

    Snail Tape Measure

    Snail Tape Measure
    • Snail Tape Measure
    • Snail Tape Measure
    • Snail Tape Measure
    • Snail Tape Measure

    Make measuring fun with these adorable Snail Tape Measures.  These retractable measuring tapes can measure up to 60" in length.  The size is approximately 2.5" high.  Snails come in 3 colors, pink, orange and bright green.  Mention your color preference in order (first, second and third) in the ordering notes or we'll choose for you.

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