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    Textured Knits

    Textured Knits
    • Textured Knits
    • Textured Knits
    • Textured Knits
    • Textured Knits
    • Textured Knits
    • Textured Knits
    • Textured Knits
    • Textured Knits

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    Be inspired by Paula Pereira's Textured Knits, a thoughtfully curated collection of contemporary and timeless handknits  includes sweaters, cardigans, shawls, and a pair of socks. The 20 fascinating patterns feature a variety of inventive ways to combine different textures, such as cables, colorwork, and embroidery.  You'll swoon over these creative ways to bring more texture into your knitting.  We've featured just a sampling of the beautiful patterns available in this stunning book.

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