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  • Knitting Decreases & Increases

    Knitting Decreases & Increases

    Knitting Decreases and Increases

    Looking for a video that shows these same techniques but in slow motion? Click here for instructions on how to slow down any YouTube video.



    1 - Knit Two Together (k2tog)

    verypink knits

    This is a one stitch right leaning decrease.


    2 - Slip Slip Knit (ssk)

    verypink knits

    This is a one stitch left leaning decrease and is the mirror image of k2tog.


    3 - Slip Slip Purl (ssp)

    verypink knits

    This is a one stitch left leaning decrease and is very similar to the previous technique.


    4 - Passed Slip Stitch Over (psso)

    verypink knits

    This is a one or two stitch decrease.


    5 - Center Double Decrease (CDD)

    verypink knits

    This is a two stitch decrease that will leave you with a single line of decrease without a left or right lean. 


    6 - Comparing Decreases

     verypink knits

    This video compares 3 decrease techniques and explains how to substitute one for another.



    1 - Yarn Over (yo)

    verypink knits

    This is a one stitch increase that leaves a hole in the work.


    2 - Knit Front and Back (kfb)

    verypink knits

    This is a one stitch increase.


    3 - Alternative to Knit Front and Back

    verypink knits

    This is a one stitch increase that eliminates the bump from knit front and back.


    4 - Purl Front and Back (pfb)

    verypink knits

    This is a one stitch increase.


    5 - Make One Right and Left (M1R or M1L)

    verypink knits

    This is the most invisible increase stitch.


    6 - Make One Purlwise (M1PW)

    verypink knits

    This is an almost invisible increase on the wrong side of your work.


    7 - Make One Below (M1B)

    verypink knits

    This is a nearly invisible one stitch increase.


    8 - Lifted Increase

    verypink knits

    This is an increase technique with a left and right variation.


    9 - Multiple Increases in One Stitch

    verypink knits

    This video demonstrates a few ways to add multiple stitches in one stitch.


    10 - Comparing Increases

    verypink knits

    This video compares increase techniques and explains how to substitute one technique for another.


    Tinking Increases and Decreases

    verypink knits

    This video explains how to take out increases or decreases if you made a mistake.


    Increasing/Decreasing Evenly Across a Row

    verypink knits

    This video will help you with the math behind increasing or decreasing evenly across a row.


    Looking for an increase or decrease method not listed here? Send us an email with suggestions or questions at