Knit & Crochet Resources
November 06, 2020
November 06, 2020
A list of videos demonstrating knitting decreases and increases. Methods include Knit Two Together (k2tog), Slip Slip Knit (ssk), Slip Slip Purl (ssp), Passed Slip Stitch Over (psso), Center Double Decrease (cdd), Comparing Decreases, Yarn Over (yo), Knit Front and Back (kfb), Alternative to Knit Front and Back, Purl Front and Back (pfb), Make One (m1r, m1l), Make One Purlwise (m1p), Make One Below (m1b), Lifted Increase, Multiple Increases in One Stitch, Comparing Increases, and Tinking Increases and Decreases.
November 06, 2020
This is a long list of knitting techniques and stitches that don't fit into a certain category and are beyond beginner skills. Techniques include Pick up and Knit, Linen Stitch, Seed Stitch, Moss Stitch, Mitered Squares, Cables, Buttonholes, Lifelines, Knit 1 Below, Purl 1 Below, Twisted Knit Stitches, Knitting I-Cord, I-Cord Side Edging English Style, I-Cord Side Edging, Setting in Sleeves, Brioche Stitch, Steeking: Crochet Method, Steeking: Sewn Method, Double Knitting, Thrums, and Knitting a Square from the Center.
November 06, 2020
A list of videos demonstrating the different types of short rows, which includes Comparing Short Rows, Wrap & Turn, Picking Up Wraps, German Short Rows, and Japanese Short Rows.
November 06, 2020
November 06, 2020
A list of crochet borders to add to any knit or crochet piece and a few edge embellishments. Techniques include Scallop Edging, Picot Edging, Triangle Picot Edging, Block Edging, Spiked Edging, Pom Pom Edging, Wavy Edging, Wave Edging, Puff Edging, Making a Pom Pom by Hand, Making a Pom Pom with Cardboard, Making Fringe and Making Tassels.